Where we put everything on the table
Visit our media library to see a collection of recent productions
The Cantorei Choir is a mixed-voice adult choir that leads sung liturgy/hymns and sings anthems that build on the central theme of the services. A variety of genres are represented, accompanied by organ, piano, and solo instruments.
7:45 to 8:45pm
September - May
The Jubilate Ringers is an adult handbell choir with five octaves of handbells and three octaves of choir chimes. The choir rings once a month for worship.
6:45 to 7:45pm
September - May
If you play an instrument and would like to join an ensemble we have opportunities for you! Instruments add beauty to our worship services. Musical ensembles include a flute choir, and brass ensemble. Solo instruments are a part of the music making on a regular basis.